Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Roommate ettiquette

To all Emily Post like people out there...what is appropriate to share or not share with roommates?
Food? Okay. As long as you don't take the last of anything.

Soap? Not okay. Went to take a shower and my bar of soap was all little and broken-you know how it gets when you get to the last bit of it. Can this be? In "Real World" tradition, we'll have to have a house meeting tonight. But maybe I'm just imagining things. Maybe I'm the only one using the soap...Must not rush to judgment. Hmmm...mysterious

Any comments appreciated

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yikes! That's scary. I recommend a soap caddy.

Maybe you shouldn't be a massage therapist if...

  • You're claustrophobic
  • You have a problem with sweat... or dirt... or strange smells
  • You have narcolepsy
  • Talking is one of your strong points
  • Thinking is one of your strong points
  • You'd like a stable income
  • You have issues with personal space
  • You have a thing with feet
  • You hate awkward silences
  • You put yourself first