Sunday, October 08, 2006

California Dreamin'

Twin sister's in town! Yipee!!
My worlds are converging...Sister suspects I'm in the witness protection program.
1. new name-I wanted to have a nickname okay?
2. new address
3. new job

Well, if I do know anything I can't tell her...
What's wrong with a makeover: life edition, anyway?

Don't worry readers-I know you are- you'll hear from her personally!
She's my special guest writer this week...

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Maybe you shouldn't be a massage therapist if...

  • You're claustrophobic
  • You have a problem with sweat... or dirt... or strange smells
  • You have narcolepsy
  • Talking is one of your strong points
  • Thinking is one of your strong points
  • You'd like a stable income
  • You have issues with personal space
  • You have a thing with feet
  • You hate awkward silences
  • You put yourself first