Saturday, February 11, 2017

Is it the Zoloft or is it just me?

Ok...I have to confess I have a love/hate with my pharmacy. I want to really like them. They're close by, a larger sized store with more selection and stock than some other comparable stores. But I just can't do it! You have to go through a maze of phone tic-tac-toe. Push one for this, 2 for that. And the options have always "just recently changed" It's like they've figured out the general population just presses one or zero so they have to come up with a roundabout sequence of numbers to get an actual person. I've finally resorted to mumbling incoherently over and over until the electronic voice finally gets exasperated and shouts, "We will get you to the next available person!"
Then you finally get your refill'll be ready tomorrow after 11 am. Ok, fastforward to tomorrow after 11. Oh! It's not ready! Guess what? You're not covered, even though you've been getting prescriptions here for the past three years.  You used last years' card that looks exactly the same but has some different, obscure number on it for pharmacy. This took two hours to discover...And you're always behind the person who's "in so much pain. I just need enough to make it to my next appointment at the pain clinic." Damn...this is healthcare you wonder to yourself.
Walking away with my script and my gallon of milk, wondering why I feel so icky inside I remember, "Charlotte you haven't been taking your Zoloft!" If this is what it's like to be off my antidepressant, I don't know if I can ever stop taking it! Scary!!!!

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Baby gear Hindsight

There exists a market that is a literal goldmine in our capitalist society. It's the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that one can actually lay their hands on. A geyser of oil Beverly Hillbillies style that causes executives to dance an old fashioned jig like Jed Clampett. This market, and therefore their wallets, are vulnerable to the emotions elicited by even the hint of what their products can do and who you are or need to be to choose them...they are  new parents! And if you don't know what I mean go to your nearest big box baby store. You'll see pictures of loving moms using said product with a beautiful, happy baby in her arms. Or just turn on your TV "Choosy moms choose Jiff" translation "a good parent buys this."As a result, one can end up buying tons of things that just aren't necessary because, heck, that's what a good parent does! I.e. the baby spa for example.
Having just birthed my first child, I have been subject to this phenomenon. There have been few people along the way to offer guidance. Mom: "Oh, it was so long ago...I don't remember" or "We didn't have those when you were little." Having learned by experience and being the good person and parent I am, I am sharing how to navigate the peddlers of ware you encounter during this time. They are out there in droves, extending their grubby little hands for the money you relinquish out of guilt and an honest desire to do right by your kid.
I will tell you essentially, what I've found necessary and what I could pass on during my precious one's first year of life.
First of all, I must admit that I am a person very susceptible to trends. This may explain the first item on my list that doing it all over, I would have bought! I happened to miss the memo on this item's popularity and for this reason I didn't get one. I'm talking about these really cool travel systems wherein the baby seat fits into a light minimalist frame. It allows for easy mauevering in and out of the car and into stores. One can avoid the car seat hop with an ever increasingly heavy infant child. Also you don't have to get a huge stroller out of the trunk and labor for 15 minutes trying to remember-or learn-how to unfold it to put said baby seat in it. I've only seen them in black. Very cool and modern. When you want it to be a stroller, you just click in the bassinet instead of the car seat and voila! Bassinet style, front or rear facing, this is the only item that I've been envious of. A friend just had a baby girl and what did she roll into the house? One of these lovely contraptions of course. I caught myself staring at the stroller more than the baby! And this episode ended with a promise to myself that I'm getting that stroller if I have another one! There's a good reason to have a child. I can barely keep myself from buying one now, but I already have two. That's right. The stroller I do have works for general use, but for walks and runs I recommend a jogging stroller for a much smoother and faster ride. And I do recommend this as walking/jogging is a good way to get your postpartum workout in and calm a fussy baby!
Now my husband wanted us to buy everything new, but come on...I'm not rich yet. Until then I think it is reasonable to buy some things used. There are a plethora of websites of people selling things they no longer need. Offer Up or Let Go, for example. We bought the jogging stroller on one of these. There are also mom exchange stores, where moms sell their lightly used items and these items are then sold to the public at a reduced cost. You will find that some items the baby just grows out of so quickly he hardly got to use them. These stores are good for that type of thing. For example, we bought a high chair, booster seat, various toys and glass bottles at this type of store.
I must say that looking back, I would have loved  if someone told me how superior glass bottles are to plastic! The milk seemed to leech into the plastic after a certain amount of usage, no matter how much I cleaned and sterilized them. Also they had a funky odor after repeated uses. I don't have this problem with glass. I also don't have to worry about any chemicals getting into the milk from the plastic, BPA or otherwise. They just feel cleaner. Many are sold with silicone covers to prevent breaking from little baby tosses. They are pretty cheap too. Especially the Evenflo classic, which is not as stylish or modern as other brands but a traditional design as the name suggests.  I get by with five 8 ounce and five 4 ounce bottles.
Speaking of the natural route, you may get the idea that I am one of those cloth diaper parents. I tried it, once, literally. It was too messy and too much trouble. Like one of my coworkers said, "We used cloth diapers in my day because we had to." I'm sure it would be good for the environment and my wallet, but it is so easy just to change the baby's diaper and throw all that mess away. I wish I was the type of mom who used cloth diapers, but reality check, I am not.
Ok do this: Invest in a baby swing. It doesn't matter what kind. Get a swing! Depending on your budget and once again, style factor, you may opt for the mamaRoo. It has like seven different swinging motions and a super cool design. I have heard these are great but the baby will outgrow it very quickly. In fact, there is a 20-25 lb weight limit on most swings. We were given a classic type forward backward swing; "Classic" meaning linear only movement. It worked wonders when nothing would calm our baby. 99% of the time he would fall asleep in it and we could then put him to bed. This was good for about his first six months. Then he became too heavy and it no longer would push him. He sinks into the chair like a stone to the bottom of the ocean. But my husband puts him in it and swings him himself. Well worth the money we didn't pay. Thanks Debbie!
See a theme here? Often you can get the same function accomplished between item A and item B, but the item you ultimately purchase may have more to do with style and how you view yourself as a parent than what the item actually does. You want to be a cool and stylish parent. Just because you have a kid doesn't mean you give up on who you are. The manufacturers of these products are depending on your image, perceived and real, to sell their products. "I'm a good parent, but I'm cool too..."
The only other item I feel is essential is a baby wearing/carrying device. These also come in many different styles, shapes and forms, and all a matter of personal preference. I got the Chimparoo as a gift. And after looking at the website, I was surprised by its price point. But it gets the job done. From itty bitty newborn to my hefty 9 month old. It has forward facing, back facing, and  hip-carrying positions, all I am able to use on my own without too much fuss. They keep your baby close to you, which should be the point of all this baby stuff and what often gets lost when shopping for and buying baby gear. Don't forget about the baby! That's what all this is for! Whatever helps you have more time, energy and support to care for your child is worth it.
But keep it like the stylish lines of the new travel systems and even updated glass baby bottles: minimalist. Don't worry about the nursing pillow, nursing bras, homemade baby food systems, baby wipe and bottle warmers and baby spas.
Another gem to pick up: Accept gifts from friends and family, seek out a deal, buy used if you feel comfortable doing so. Your baby closet will fill to overflowing! But most of all, take advantage of the most precious product that only you can provide: Love. Enjoy your baby!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Secret War

2016. Trump vs. Clinton. Afghanistan and Iraq. North Korea and Iran. The border...You may think you are a well informed citizen, up to date on current events. But there is a little known war going on in this country, the likes of which if you asked our veterans, few have ever seen before.
It goes by different names and descriptions: Butterfly, lash blast, Manga, Kitty Kat, Wonderlash, Perversion, Telescopic. On and on and on...That's right folks. There is a war of the eyelashes and what brand, and thus mood, we decide upon  that will magically transform our very existence. Critical.
I noticed this phenomenon some time ago while inncoently watching tv. One company would come up with a mascara with promises to curl unbelievably. Then another company would promise super, inhuman length. Then yet another would flash across the screen with the message of beautiful thickness.I mean it was a barrage. All wrapped in interesting 30 second storylines and unimaginable new angles that teams of marketing associates must work nonstop to present.
The commercials tell us to be coy and shy, then dramatic and bold. We can emulate our favorite pop singers just by painting a little dye on our eyelashes. Were you aware of the amazing ability these products have? We apparently can conquer the world by using these products. And no matter what attitude we inhabit, we are always sexy while doing it. No wonder there is such a fight for our allegiance to the right mascara. The fate and style of the world depends on it!
Interestingly, though all of the models in these commercials use lash inserts...hmm. My powers are fading...quickly.
Choose wisely. Who are you? I have chosen an "organic" mascara-whatever that means. Not for what it promises, but infact, because I have never seen a commercial advertising its miraculous benefits. And I have hippie roots, so "organic" draws me like a bee to honey. So maybe I trust it a little more...But mostly I bought it because the container is cute. It comes in a leafy shape. Wow. I'm impressed.
Maybe I am a simpleton. Hopefully one day I can graduate to soldier level in this secret war and be a butterfly or an anime figure or even a mascara rebel. But for now I am content to spread the word. Maybe I am a soldier after all (;

Thursday, September 06, 2012

KISS MY A** Beyotch!

As I lay in bed, trying to get the strength to get up and prepare for another day of torture...uggh or what the majority of people call "work," I realize this: There's something I missed in grade school that is fundamental to survival in what we colloquially call, "the real world."

Being nice doesn't get it done.

This world is full of snakes, wolves, sharks and any other historically evil creature one can imagine. And one can succeed only as well as one is prepared to deal with these animals.

The reality is that I have had to change my expectations.

Life is not fair. Just because you treat people well, say "please" and "thank you," does not mean you will get the same in return. Being a good person does not mean that nothing bad will happen to you-God forbid. And as much as you may want everything to work out in life, I have seen many an elderly person die full of regrets and broken relationships.

People say things they don't mean. They have their own reasons, which are mostly egoistic and self motivated. Don't immediately assume people are honest. Do not take their word at face value if you have not established a level of trust. Know how to spot a lie and a liar.

Your boss doesn't care about you.
Your family may or may not.
Friends? Rarely
One would think this topic of conversation is depressing, but I have found it to be liberating actually.
Understanding these truths helps me to deal -and not just cope, but thrive.

I am a strong person who can take care of herself, and nothing anyone does to me can keep me down.
With faith in God and confidence in myself, I can meet any and all challenges. If I made it through this job for a year and a half, I can do anything!

In my adult life, I have learned to say this, "KISS MY A**  BEYOTCHes!"

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Play Fair

I definitely have seen way too many Disney movies in the course of my childhood. This thought occured to me sometime after my thirtieth year, although I can't pin it down any more than that.

I looked around me. I guess it's that type of self assessment one does at a landmark such as thirty, in preparation for the big mid life crisis. I was definitely gathering my evidence:
1. Middle-class wage in a job that takes a little piece of my soul in addition to the 40-60 hours a week.
1. Noncomittal, semi-fun job that barely allows me to scrape by

2. ok car that runs but has two doors from two different cars. Found searching all day in the sun at multiple junk yards
2. Shiny, new car that comes with a five year note

3. A mostly bad marriage
3. Single and lonely

4. No friends
4. Friends who hurt me

Wow, that's getting depressing. Why don't I stop there?
The point is I didn't marry the dream guy, don't live in the dream house, not working a career that I love, driving a fabulous car. Not surrounded by fabulous people.
I don't have the happy ending I always thought my life would be. But reality never really measures up to what is in your mind's eye, so maybe that's the unfair advantage happiness holds.

My only question is this...Why are people sooo mean? How does this help anything? It feels like the world is a dangerous jungle and everyone has to look out for themselves. Why?

Is everyone so unhappy that they want to spread it around?
My coworkers, for example. Unecessarily hostile. Aren't we all working together towards the same goal. What the heck have I ever done to you? Geez. My life is hard enough without having to deal with so many jerks. But that's my idealistic, formerly naive, care bear side that thinks if people just understood each other, they would all get along.
The truth is everyone is looking out for themselves. they are proud, bossy, arrogant, butt kissing, unjust and unfair.
yet I cannot let go of the dreams in my heart. Even if they never come to pass, I always seem to return to the hope that I will find an awesome job, my marriage can improve. If I work hard enough, maybe I can buy that house and car. Maybe, maybe...I can make more friends.
And maybe, justice does indeed exist-and I can have mine
Hope does spring eternal.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


As you read this blog, keep in mind: public speaking ranks up there as one of people's top fears, even ahead of dying by two or three spots.
I sat in Applebee's, enjoying the untold pleasures of my triple chocolate meltdown. ALL BY MYSELF and wondering how this dessert was one of the best kept secrets in Phoenix, and in every suburb of these United States. Talk about "eatin' good in your neighborhood." I felt like hanging out on street corners telling passerbys, "Hey, have you tried that triple chocolate meltdown?" I wanted to convert people to its goodness and have them pledge allegiance to only enjoy its splendor for dessert when dining out. But I stray...I was jolted out of my reverie by this sound. This sound...How to describe it? It happens all of the time, I'm sure. In many a casual dining locale, or pizza and 25 cent wing nights where the servers take a little off the top of one's martini to make sure it's up to standard-in front of you, yet behind the bar. Noone can see servers once they step behind the bar, right? It even happens in dark country western bars in which the likes of me feels a little unwelcome and nervous for some reason. As goes for any other "stranger" who dares enter. This phenomenon often goes unregarded until it affects one personally, i.e. disrupting my dessert.
Sounds like:
A cat being bathed
Fingernails on the chalkboard of my soul
My brother talking about his sex life
Hearing I Owe 10,000 in taxes
The smallest, mousy voice amplified by modern technology and thus forced upon myself cloaked in bad phrasing, timing and rhythm, thus causing the song to lose all meaning and enjoyment. Of course from a genre I hate!
Karaoke-or as I like to call it when it goes bad: Karanoke.
Music when it's done well can be quite moving. It can transport one's soul to a magical place. It can soothe, inspire, energize and frankly, make for a good ol' fun time. And for this reason, music should not be left in just anyone's hands-or lungs.Whoever thought, "Hey, it would be so cool if I took a microphone, hooked it up to a jukebox and anyone who wants to become a singer can!" Well, he or she was probably the worst perpetrator of all. Probably singing directly in his friends' ears covering all the easy listening hits from the 70's-80's. I'm sure he personally recorded the lyrics to accompany the songs in his invention in one large volume while in the basement of his mother's house in which he has lived "forever." Literally.

As this one brave or foolish? soul belted out I forget what, I wondered to myself, "Why?" If we as people have so much fear of public speaking, how is it that we are able to sing,badly, for 3-4 minutes continuously? Listening to the taunting jeers of the audience, the only entertainment we were enjoying was some sick primal gladiator type in which we enjoyed watching an innocent person going down. Sitting in my seat, safe, I could only think, "Wow. Sorry for you, but you did it to yourself lady."
These people, Karanokes, are going for glory, just like Russell Crowe. One day slave, next King. That's admirable. But they haven't checked their actual abilities. They haven't asked themselves, "Do I look awesome shirtless?" or "Can I drop-kick a scary looking dude three times my size, cut his head off and feed it to a lion?" No. No such introspection in these cases.
Maybe just one shot-and one dare-too many.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Come to me love
Come to me life
I wait anxiously
through suffering and strife,
a chance to be heard,
a chance to fall down,
called an opportunity...sometimes pain all around.
What does it win or to lose?
To have much or have little
Do we really choose?
I've met love
I've met life
I've been up
I've been down
I've seen the sky
My face hit the ground

Let's Make A Deal is Real

I remember those lazy summers. Nothing to do and no cares in the world. The agenda included
1. Ramen noodles for lunch
2. Opening a fire hydrant, or for the "good kids" donning swimwear and catching each other with the garden hose
3. Revisiting Rawhide, the Jeffersons, Mel's Diner, TMNT, and of course, Let's Make A Deal as if I were to be tested on the content the first day of school. "Michaelangelo's weapon was the knumchucks for sure!"

Opening my own business surprisingly took me back to those days. I had always wanted to be one of the lucky people chosen to run down the aisle on "Let's make a deal." What made them get chosen out of a sea of faces anyway? Their crazy outfits? Their enthusiasm? Alll I knew was if I had the opportunity to play, I'd definitely win. It's common sense! The price of laundry detergent. Ha! A bedroom set. Come on! Watching the contestants flounder with self doubt on some of the simplest tasks could be comical. And the worst-those who chose the seen item versus taking a chance on door #2, which was always a better choice. "What a waste!" I would inevitably muse patronizingly as, "A brand new car!" is revealed from behind the curtain.
Who would have thought I'd live "Let's make a deal?" And end up eating my words. Yum...

I can't tell you how many times I've heard the same question since becoming a licensed massage therapist. "WHY?" Why did I choose to become an LMT? Why would anyone choose to struggle. To work so hard for so little? Especially since I am an RN. If I choose to, I could be making $50,000 plus a year. Instead I'm struggling, pinching pennies and betting it all on a massage therapy practice.
How much is happiness worth? Purpose? Fulfillment? For me, it has been years of failure, misdirection and starts and stops, and yes financial sacrifice. I've learned a whole lotta perserverence.I have hoped, despaired, been encouraged by small gains, devastated by losses, and hoped yet again. I will never stop.Who knows? I may be able to make twice or three times what I could as an RN. I can employ others. Though the risk is great the possibilities are endless. Even if I fail miserably, I will never stop dreaming and trying to realize those dreams.
I'm going for door #2! OR BUST

Maybe you shouldn't be a massage therapist if...

  • You're claustrophobic
  • You have a problem with sweat... or dirt... or strange smells
  • You have narcolepsy
  • Talking is one of your strong points
  • Thinking is one of your strong points
  • You'd like a stable income
  • You have issues with personal space
  • You have a thing with feet
  • You hate awkward silences
  • You put yourself first