Saturday, November 18, 2006

Back to California and the great unknown

Me, about to board the plane back to Cali, to try my hand at massage-literally. "Am I crazy?" is a question I've often asked myself since that fateful day. And why is there no fear on my face? Ah, because ignorance is bliss! That poor girl at the airport has no idea what's in store for her!

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Maybe you shouldn't be a massage therapist if...

  • You're claustrophobic
  • You have a problem with sweat... or dirt... or strange smells
  • You have narcolepsy
  • Talking is one of your strong points
  • Thinking is one of your strong points
  • You'd like a stable income
  • You have issues with personal space
  • You have a thing with feet
  • You hate awkward silences
  • You put yourself first