If anyone told me a few years ago that I'd be living in California, practicing massage, I would've suggested that person clean their crystal ball, because the reception's a little fuzzy. Or rather, a lot fuzzy.
But when I put on my corrective lenses, i.e. open my eyes, I see the person with the crystal ball is me. I clearly remember preparing to graduate high school and having the question posed to the mighty class of '96 (the best of the best-of course) : "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" "In 10 years?" These questions-intended as a fun exercise- were asked with the intention of seeing where we actually do end up and how that compares to our self imposed expectations.
Not surprisingly, I didn't have an answer then, and I don't have an answer now. If anyone needs directions to some place unexpected, then plan for nowhere in particular. It's a sure way to get there.
Like the young ones, I'm still striving to answer that question, "When I grow up, I'm gonna be..." Except, I am a grown up, but I'm still waiting to "grow up."
While answering "where will I be" questions can be intimidating, nerve wracking, or devoid of solutions, they can also fuel our passions by bringing our dreams into focus.
Deadlines get things done.
Yet, deciding on goals and pursuing them is just a veneer for something deeper than typically defined success: a good paying job and a comfortable existence. It speaks to purpose. To the little ones, who approach the question, not as a test, but as an opportunity to dream.
And although my dreams have been crushed, or just stuffed away and ignored, I've begun to realize they never do go away. They resurface in the most unexpected times and ask, "Hey, remember me? I'm still here." So, in five years, will I have made any progress in the pursuit of my dreams? It's a question only I can answer.
And one that will define success for me.