Saturday, July 07, 2007

Bored = "Grown up?"

Why is it the prospect of becoming an adult seemed so exciting when we were young?

Maybe because everything is exciting when you're a kid. Of course, who would expect those good times to end over something as frivolous as time? The frontier that was "the future" was ripe with possibilities. Each opportunity needed only to be chosen and picked, as easy as one picks an apple from a tree.

One week I was going to be a dermatologist, the next week, a veterinarian. And I needed no explanations on the 180's. I was a kid after all.

As I've taken different roads in an effort to find that holy grail of highways-the purpose to life- I've been struck by one thing people don't tell you:

Work is boring! It doesn't matter if you're living your ideal life, although that helps; There exists a certain amount of routine in every career.

In nursing it was the assessments. Try getting heart rates, breathing rates, and lung sounds on 5-6 babies every day.

Or for the adults, going through the medication routine for 8 patients. Some require more, some less-so that changes up the pattern a bit.

Now as a waitress, greeting my guests has become somewhat annoying. "Hi I'm Charlotte, I'll be your waitress. Can I get you anything while you're looking at the menu?"

There's no way to get around this fact. So I accept it. I go through the mundane details, but focus instead on the different people I meet and having fun with my coworkers.

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Maybe you shouldn't be a massage therapist if...

  • You're claustrophobic
  • You have a problem with sweat... or dirt... or strange smells
  • You have narcolepsy
  • Talking is one of your strong points
  • Thinking is one of your strong points
  • You'd like a stable income
  • You have issues with personal space
  • You have a thing with feet
  • You hate awkward silences
  • You put yourself first