As I lay in bed, trying to get the strength to get up and prepare for another day of torture...uggh or what the majority of people call "work," I realize this: There's something I missed in grade school that is fundamental to survival in what we colloquially call, "the real world."
Being nice doesn't get it done.
This world is full of snakes, wolves, sharks and any other historically evil creature one can imagine. And one can succeed only as well as one is prepared to deal with these animals.
The reality is that I have had to change my expectations.
Life is not fair. Just because you treat people well, say "please" and "thank you," does not mean you will get the same in return. Being a good person does not mean that nothing bad will happen to you-God forbid. And as much as you may want everything to work out in life, I have seen many an elderly person die full of regrets and broken relationships.
People say things they don't mean. They have their own reasons, which are mostly egoistic and self motivated. Don't immediately assume people are honest. Do not take their word at face value if you have not established a level of trust. Know how to spot a lie and a liar.
Your boss doesn't care about you.
Your family may or may not.
Friends? Rarely
One would think this topic of conversation is depressing, but I have found it to be liberating actually.
Understanding these truths helps me to deal -and not just cope, but thrive.
I am a strong person who can take care of herself, and nothing anyone does to me can keep me down.
With faith in God and confidence in myself, I can meet any and all challenges. If I made it through this job for a year and a half, I can do anything!
In my adult life, I have learned to say this, "KISS MY A** BEYOTCHes!"