Friday, July 13, 2007

Texting Ettiquite

I love to see that little envelope on my phone! What a treat to get a virtual note in your locker so to speak.

But there definitely are pitfalls to texting...

As in... How does one know the person on the receiving end actually got the text?

When is it too late to respond to a text? After 24 hours should the text-er move on? And if so, does one pretend like the text never happened? What if the information in the message was pertinent to the text-er/text-ee relationship?
Maybe the answer is in the silence.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

SSR/Montessori Book Corner

Since spending so much time in the nonfiction book world, I developed a healthy craving for a good old-fashioned story.

After much harrassment for a good book, one of my friends lent me What a Girl Wants-I'm sure just to shut me up. It falls into "christian chik-lit."
(There's a place for everything. That's one of the things I love about books).
It gave me what I was looking for: An easy read with a good story by someone who obviously knows what it's like dating in this day and age! Who doesn't like validation?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It's Elementary

Anyone out There?

One plus one equals two. So why is it so hard for one man and one woman to equal loving committed and good relationship?

Allow me to answer my own rhetorical question. A blog entry hangs in the balance! We are human. And when people get involved in things, no matter what it is, we bring along hang- ups, baggage, prejudices, expectations, selfish ambition...You get the idea. Even good relationships are works in progress; Ever growing, yet never complete, organic projects of nature.

And I do mean "good."Because as a member of the human family, the problem does not necessarily exist in finding someone. Or, rather, anyone. Men and women are everywhere. As a friend says, "8 to 80, blind, cripple, and crazy."
And I've seen it all.
For example, Mr. Suave. Mr. Suave is a 30-something ex NFL player who noticed me on one of my many treks across Phoenix's desert. Seriously. I don't hike for fun, but my legs provide my main mode of transportation. At first I shrugged him off as a potential stalker. Not a necessarily attractive quality. But, after he pulled over for the third time in two weeks to offer me a ride, he handed me a card and properly introduced himself. The card serves a twofold purpose of letting me know he has a viable business and evaporating the fog of suspicion that he might be a loony. Honestly, how many crazies hold down 9-5's? Not many, unless you consider the post office. Then this line of reasoning breaks down. But I digress...

Card becomes phone call. Phone call becomes first date. It's been so long since D-A-T-E that I turn a blind eye to some of the red flags screaming, "Run girl! If it takes a year hike through the desert yourself. A ride isn't worth that much!" Of course I don't listen to inner voice, because it's a date after all. (And dating is fun-or so conventional wisdom makes us believe. There's a reason Sex in the City was a hit. Hello! real life is sooo not like that. That's the way we wish we looked, acted and dated through life. But that's another story). Yes, he laughed incessantly at his own jokes, which I didn't get. Okay, maybe he's nervous, I think. Yes, he barely listens to a word I say, but the connection on my phone is bad. He does ask where I want to eat and obliges to my request for P.F. Chang's. And Lord knows I'm a sucker for a good meal, especially a free one.

The date ensues. Do I remember? He picks me up, of course, in his nice car. Awaiting me is a single yellow rose. I think," How sweet?" But in sharp contrast to the beauty of the delicate flower, a funk invades my senses. The car stinks. Not an acute smell, but a subtle evasive stink. I conclude that it's the dreaded BO. Not just BO, but an attempt to mask it with cologne. Did this guy even shower? I mean, I know he hits the gym pretty hard, but no time to wash up? Maybe he just hit the highlights and figured that I wouldn't notice. Oh well, I have a strong stomach. Anyway, there's no turning back. We're well on our way-meaning the I-10. Note to self-buy own car! I don't know cars, but I know this is luxury. It has GPS, but somehow we still manage to get lost. It also has satellite radio. Okay, not exactly my style. I'm just as content channel hopping and asking for directions, but I'm an open-minded person. But it strikes me that he thinks he needs to have the luxury car with all the amenities because that's what successful people do in life: Get expensive stuff and lord it over those around you. And there's always better and more expensive stuff to get.

Then the conversation. There is no lack of it, which is my most dreaded date fear, but it all revolves around him. This affords me a slight advantage, though, because I learn a few things about Mr. Suave.
1. He has some money. "I bought my mom a house out here. I love my mom."

2. He has a kid et. al. "I moved my son out here with his mom. She was complaining..." Silent scream here. A baby, ok. It's hard finding guys my age who don't have babies. But baby's mama is still in the picture? As Faith Hill sang, "Baby, hello. On no! Goodbye!"

3.Drinks like fish? After asking if I drank, and myself responding that I have a glass of wine occasionally, but most times I just get a glass of iced tea, he declares, "I'd make that a Long Island iced tea!" Upon which, after arriving at the restaurant he proceeds to order.

Then comes dinner. Ah, the bright spot to the whole affair! Yet, even for my yum-yum loving tummy, I begin to doubt if the date is actually costing me more than I'm getting. Hmm...More of the same. We discuss his glory days in the NFL, his subsequent injury and conversion experience, and again, his love for his mom. Does he think I'm finding this attractive? I'm thinking he's not even pausing to consider, he's so busy impressing me. Then I learn the last tidbit to complete my impression of Mr. Suave.

"I get PMS like a woman."
"I'm moody. Just like a woman."
Great. That's all I need in a man. I can track both of our periods. We can bum it on the sofa eating chocolate and watching Titanic during that "special time." Wait. I have girlfriends. What do I need you for? I already discuss the best tampon brands, woman exams, tender breasts, and embarrassing female mishaps with them!
Okay, I'm open-minded, not crazy. And not desperate. That statement sealed the deal, or the un-deal, as it were. But like previously stated, I was stuck. Repeat mental note here, emphatically! Explicative. So we finished dinner, got a doggy bag, and headed out. Mr. Suave was hoping the party had just begun and suggested we go clubbing. I was freezing and longed only for the warmth of his hi class ride. In which he proceeded to run errands. Suddenly,I couldn't recognize where we were going and vocalized this, feeling uneasy, thinking, "This is how people disappear." He answered, "Well, since we're in the area." Thank God we only went to the video store and his office. Although, he did spend 10 minutes in said store while I waited in the car refusing to expose myself to the elements again, so technically,
I was abducted. I should've run into the video store and sought refuge with one of the video clerks. It might have been more fun. And possibly have brought things to a quicker end.
Mr. Suave pulls in to the apartment complex. I silently thank the Lord. With my hand on the door pulley thing, I turn and thank him for the date, which I mean. He says he had a great time. I lie and say the same thing. Did we just go on the same date? I take my rose and head for the door. At least he doesn't know which apartment I live in. All I can think is that there's a reason some of us are single.

Meeting a person, as GI Joe says, is only half the battle.

I soldier on.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Bored = "Grown up?"

Why is it the prospect of becoming an adult seemed so exciting when we were young?

Maybe because everything is exciting when you're a kid. Of course, who would expect those good times to end over something as frivolous as time? The frontier that was "the future" was ripe with possibilities. Each opportunity needed only to be chosen and picked, as easy as one picks an apple from a tree.

One week I was going to be a dermatologist, the next week, a veterinarian. And I needed no explanations on the 180's. I was a kid after all.

As I've taken different roads in an effort to find that holy grail of highways-the purpose to life- I've been struck by one thing people don't tell you:

Work is boring! It doesn't matter if you're living your ideal life, although that helps; There exists a certain amount of routine in every career.

In nursing it was the assessments. Try getting heart rates, breathing rates, and lung sounds on 5-6 babies every day.

Or for the adults, going through the medication routine for 8 patients. Some require more, some less-so that changes up the pattern a bit.

Now as a waitress, greeting my guests has become somewhat annoying. "Hi I'm Charlotte, I'll be your waitress. Can I get you anything while you're looking at the menu?"

There's no way to get around this fact. So I accept it. I go through the mundane details, but focus instead on the different people I meet and having fun with my coworkers.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Nurse Whites

1 2 3 4

Took a step through the door,

Filling out the app was the key

A real job it affords me.


Have a job in the public school system

fighting flight


5 6 7 8
No turning's too late

There's a new set of numbers to learn

like 6:30- time to wake

30,000-how much I'll make

one-how many I'll support

40-the hours in my new week

9 10

back to elementary again!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Still Owe

Just got a bill from the great state of California...owe more taxes!
Will it ever end?
Until next year.

Maybe you shouldn't be a massage therapist if...

  • You're claustrophobic
  • You have a problem with sweat... or dirt... or strange smells
  • You have narcolepsy
  • Talking is one of your strong points
  • Thinking is one of your strong points
  • You'd like a stable income
  • You have issues with personal space
  • You have a thing with feet
  • You hate awkward silences
  • You put yourself first