Monday, November 19, 2007

It's Raining Men-Hallelujah!

From yet another book on singleness, I've read that there are two kinds of dating problems: not having any eligible men to date or having too many options. I am happy to report that I've recently changed categories from the barren drought of no-man-land to...ta da! Options! Yes, folks, I've crossed over to the other side. The flood gates have broken. I am dating.
Happy birthday to me...

Maybe you shouldn't be a massage therapist if...

  • You're claustrophobic
  • You have a problem with sweat... or dirt... or strange smells
  • You have narcolepsy
  • Talking is one of your strong points
  • Thinking is one of your strong points
  • You'd like a stable income
  • You have issues with personal space
  • You have a thing with feet
  • You hate awkward silences
  • You put yourself first